Request #956
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 10/31/2011 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | Core & System | |||
Target version: | Release 3.4 | |||
Pull request: |
As a basis, Proxmox and Opennode are the best examples i can provide for easy and fast setup of a bare-metal hypervisor.
Proxmox is quite well established but at this point Opennode seems more promising, that's the reason why i invite you to have a look on its features, its roadmap and its features requests (
Taking as a basis you already know both of them quite well, i suggest as a bare-metal approach some more advanced views in comparison to the status where most of them are now. Some interesting points :
- Hot deployment of templated bare-metal : based on pre-established bare-metal configurations (or "templates" if your prefer), setup to deployment automation of as much as wanted bare-metal ready to boot from the network. These configurations concern the bare-metal themselves but also the configured image appliances they are supposed to host for a given goal.
- Central management of these deployed bare-metal and the mentioned configurations with Sunstone. All Sunstone capabilities being possible through API too.
- Appstore like : taking advantage of third party software for deploying new functionnalities either on the platform (the bare-metal itself) or through image appliances. The load balancing Opennode feature request (,95.0.html) is an example of image appliance serving the capabilities the bare-metal has to offer.
I'm not sure if it were this kind of statement you were waiting for or if it answers your question so ask for details if needed.
Related issues
Updated by Ruben S. Montero over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Thanks for the feedback. Really appreciate it. I've mark this as duplicated for #951 and close it.