Andrei Nistor

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 09/17/2013
  • Last connection: 01/07/2015



Reported issues: 2


11:10 PM OpenNebula Request #3113 (Closed): Allow adding SITE_PREFIX and GLOBAL_PREFIX to existing networks
I'm trying to implement ipv6 over our existing ipv4 virtual networks. I've tried adding SITE_PREFIX and GLO...


09:20 AM OpenNebula Feature #2391: Add DNS search domain to context packages
In CentOS/RHEL you can set the hostname in @/etc/sysconfig/network@:...


02:01 PM OpenNebula Backlog #2256: problem with deploy vm when using "fake bridge" in openvswitch
Is there a good reason why you're using fake bridges?
We used to do the same, but we realized it's way easier to j...


04:37 PM OpenNebula Bug #2110: create datablock error with ceph
IMO the better fix is to add...


05:03 PM OpenNebula Feature #2245: Add xmlrpc concurrency paramenters to oned.conf
Should be noted that this requires xmlrpc-c >= 1.32
I tried to build it on CentOS 6 and it failed because max_con...
11:57 AM OpenNebula Bug #2327 (Closed): CentOS 6 rpms fail to install on systems enrolled on a FreeIPA domain
At work we're using FreeIPA to manage our user accounts. We already have a "oneadmin" account on the freeipa server, ...

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