Adrian Menendez

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  • Registered on: 11/23/2016
  • Last connection: 10/27/2017



Reported issues: 5


07:51 AM OpenNebula Feature #5434 (Pending): Clone VM on running state (vCenter)
On vCenter you can just clone a running VM. Since this functionality is widly used on production enviroments, it woul...


10:21 AM OpenNebula Backlog #5053: Differentiate created templates on vCenter
When a vm is deployed as persistent, OpenNebula creates a template too. Meanwhile the vm is up and running, the templ...


06:49 AM OpenNebula Request #5107: Register OVA in OpenNebula
Automatically deploy a vm from an OVA would be a very interesting functionality. Incredibly useful if you could deplo...


07:50 AM OpenNebula Backlog #5053 (Pending): Differentiate created templates on vCenter
When create a template making a vm persistent, add an attribute to know if has alredy been created on vCenter (vm has...


09:11 AM OpenNebula Request #5026 (Closed): Clone VM
The save as functionallity that is going to be available for vCenter on the next release needs to destroy the origina...


10:09 AM OpenNebula Bug #4985: Snapshots size
Yes, it's a big problem, you cannot control something that can fill the datastore. If you are using LUNs, snapshots c...


10:27 AM OpenNebula Bug #4985 (Closed): Snapshots size
It would be very usefull to include snapshots size on the quotas, actually is occupied space on the datastore.


08:38 AM OpenNebula Backlog #4939 (Pending): Delete user templates on vCenter
I think is interesting to delete templates from OpenNebula. For example, imagine that a final user creates 10 templat...

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