Request #3734

New VM Hook Request

Added by Alexander Dibbo over 6 years ago.

Status:PendingStart date:04/01/2015
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-
Pull request:



It would be great to have a hook for before any action occurs which would cause a virtual machine to enter the DONE state.

For security and trace-ability reasons we need to keep a copy of each VM for a period of time once they are removed, I have tried using the SHUTDOWN and DONE hooks but the disk images are not snapshot-able at these times.

At the moment as a workaround we have a deferred snapshot of each disk being triggered at instantiation however this is far from ideal as then other use cases for disk snapshots are not possible.

We are using OpenNebula 4.10.1 with KVM/Qemu hypervisors and a ceph storage backend.



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