Request #3824

Document syntax restrictions of variable names for OneGate

Added by Bill Cole about 6 years ago.

Status:PendingStart date:05/29/2015
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-
Pull request:


The sample script ( can produce invalid variable names with hyphens in them when run on a VM using LVM, where 'df' output gives names of the form /dev/mapper/$VGNAME-LVNAME. The error response probably makes sense to whatever parser is choking on the variable name, but it is not obvious what is wrong to a user, e.g.:

  [VirtualMachineUpdateTemplate] Cannot update template. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected VARIABLE, expecting EQUAL or EQUAL_EMPTY at line 1, columns 5:8[root@crm-pm ~]

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