Bug #5414

template delete recursive operation of templates instantiated as persistent does not remove images from the vcenter datastores

Added by Jaime Melis almost 4 years ago.

Status:PendingStart date:09/28/2017
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:Release 5.6
Resolution: Pull request:
Affected Versions:OpenNebula 5.4


Steps to reproduce:

- Instantiate a template (template0) as persistent
- Teminate the vm
- A new template (template1) is created, with a copy of the images from template0
- Note the IMAGE/SOURCE of these new images
- Delete template0 with --recursive option
- The images have disappeared from opennebula, but they still exist in vCenter (in the IMAGE/SOURCE path)

The problem is due to the fact that the images have the tag TEMPLATE/VCENTER_IMPORTED = "YES", and datastore/vcenter/rm does not operate on them.

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