Request #1242

Handle memory over-committment in OpenNebula

Added by Stefan Knott about 9 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:04/18/2012
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:Core & System
Target version:-
Pull request:


With the increasing use of KSM, memory over-committment in KVM Hosts is becoming standard procedure.

Currently, Opennebula does not allow summary vm subscription to more memory than the respective host physically provides. OpenNebula should support this great asset, for example using two Memory Statements (MEMORY and VMEMORY) just like it already does vor CPU overcommittment with CPU and VCPU.

This has already been suggested by Carlos Martín on the mailing list:

Also, we should prepare for the case that memory is getting physically exhausted. Perhaps employ an existing over-committment managing tool like MOM (

Related issues

Duplicated by Backlog #1328: Add new VMEMORY attribute to do overcommitment as VCPU Pending 07/03/2012


#1 Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed


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