Feature #3

Extend hypervisor attributes

Added by Ruben S. Montero about 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Javi Fontan% Done:


Category:Drivers - Auth
Target version:Release 1.0
Resolution:fixed Pull request:


Include support for additional hypervisor attributes:
Example vnc, graphics, NIC type, or console type (extra = 'xencons=tty')

libvirt2one.txt Magnifier - LibVirt XML format commented (5.22 KB) Tino Vázquez, 07/04/2008 05:06 PM

one-template_proposed.txt Magnifier - ONE Template proposal (1.01 KB) Tino Vázquez, 07/04/2008 05:06 PM

Associated revisions

Revision d08bc4d6
Added by Ruben S. Montero about 13 years ago

Ticket #3: Extended template attributes. Xen driver rewritten to use new format. Also Attributes can now have blanks (but not ','). A file with all the attributes has been included.

git-svn-id: http://svn.opennebula.org/trunk@38 3034c82b-c49b-4eb3-8279-a7acafdc01c0


#1 Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 13 years ago

Check the libvirt format for attribute names and classes libvirt domain format

#2 Updated by Tino Vázquez about 13 years ago

Proposal for a ONE template based on libvirt XML format

#3 Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 13 years ago

ONE template proposal based on previous comments

# Each attribute has been labeled as Optional and Mandatory
#   - Default values for optional attributes are spelled out. Defaults can be 
#   overridden in the driver configuration file
#   - Mandatory attributes can be defined in the driver configuration file

# Name of the VM 

NAME = vm-example # Optional, Default: one-$VMID

#         Capacity

CPU    = "amount_of_requested_CPU" # Optional, Default: 1
MEMORY = "amount_of_requested_MEM" # Mandatory 

#         OS and boot options

OS = [
  kernel     = "path_to_os_kernel",    # Optional, default="/vmlinuz" 
  initrd     = "path_to_initrd_image", # Optional, default="/initrd.img" 
  kernel_cmd = "kernel_command_line",  # Optional
  boot       = "device to boot from" ] # Mandatory

#      Features of the hypervisor

  pae  = "yes|no",   # Optional, default="no" 
  acpi = "yes|no" ]  # Optional, default="no" 

#                VM Disks

DISK = [
  type     = "floppy|disk|cdrom",                    #Optional, default="disk" 
  source   = "path_to_disk_image_file|physical_dev", #Mandatory
  target   = "device_to_map_disk",                   #Mandatory
  bus      = "ide|scsi|virtio|xen",                  #Optional
  readonly = "yes|no" ]                              #Optional, default="no" 

#           Network Interfaces

NIC = [
  source_bridge = "name_of_bridge_to_bind_if",     #Optional
  target        = "device_name_to_map_if",         #Mandatory
  mac           = "HW_address",                    #Optional
  script        = "path_to_script_to_bring_up_if"] #Optional

#  I/O Interfaces (Optional)

INPUT = [                   
  type = "mouse|tablet", 
  bus  = "usb|ps2|xen" ]

GRAPHICS = [                
  type   = "vnc|sdl",              
  listen = "IP-to-listen-on",
  port   = "port_for_VNC_server",
  passwd = "passwor_for_VNC_server" ]

#  Raw Hypervisor attributes (Optional)

RAW = [
  type = "xen|kvm",
  data = "raw_domain_configutarion"]

#           Scheduler

REQUIREMENTS = "Bool_expression_for_reqs"       #Optional
RANK         = "Arith_expression_to_rank_hosts" #Optional

#4 Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Xen driver has been re-written to conform the new format. Also changeset r38 includes a file with all the possible template attributes. Attributes can now have blanks (useful for RAWs, but not ',')

Also available in: Atom PDF