Feature #203
Authentication & Authorization Drivers
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 03/05/2010 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | % Done: | 0% | ||
Category: | Core & System | |||
Target version: | Release 2.0 | |||
Resolution: | fixed | Pull request: |
OpenNebula supports multiple users and features basic authentication and authorization policies. This development campaign aims to provide OpenNebula with a generic auth framework, so:
- Users are identified by abstract key/secret tokens. An underlying driver will then interface with the auth back-end (e.g. LDAP / X509 based / PAM / Policikit...) to authenticate the user.
- General Authorization policies can be implemented, for example quotas or allow a user to submit VMs in a given time frame, user groups....
- The current auth framework will be offered as a default
Associated revisions
feature #203: Initial version for the Authorization Manager and Drivers
feature #203: Added the Auth Manager to the SConstruct script
feature #203: Syncrhonization functions for the AuthRequest. Added basic tests for the Authentication Manager
feature #203: removed unneeded files
feature #203: Authorize test
feature #203: Prevent race condition when a AuthRequests timeout. Now timeout timers are handled by the AuthManager.
feature #203: Conforming new protocol spec
feature #203: Plain authn/authz policies
feature #203: Simplified driver load procedure and getter
feature #203: Default message for timeouts
feature #203: Nebula deamon starts a generic auth manager if defined
feature #203: Authenticate now uses the Auth Manager infrastructure
feature #203: New authorize method for users that use the AuthManager subsystem
feature #203: Make use of AuthManager in vm.action method
feature #203: New authenticate.
feature #203: Encode object_ids (templates) for CREATE operations
feature #203: Fix wrong conflict resolution
feature #203: Tests now works with the AuthManager
feature #203: Restored original scons helpers
feature #203: Integrated VM allocation with AuthManager
feauture #203: Integrated VM operations with AuthManager
feature #203: Hosts can be used by anybody in plain auth
feature #203: Hosts use AuthManager
feature #203: Image use AuthManager
feature #203: Adding authorization for Image allocate
feature #203: Auth for VirtualNetworks
feature #203: Missing header
feature #203: Auth for USERS
feature #203: Cluster methods uses Auth Manager
feature #203: Plain authorize method fix
feature #203: Removed unused user info method
feature #203: Fix compilation error
feature #203: Authorize methods for NET and IMAGE creation in insert
feature #203: Removed authorization from Image and VirtualNetworks in the RM
feature #203: Added error log functions to RM
feature #203: public flag is taken into account
feature #203: added default and unlimited quota limits
feature #203: Changed RM to use log functions
feature #203: Added tests for simple_permissions and quota setup
feature #203: Finishing RM authorization task
feature #203: added auth mad config file
feature #203: simple permissions check for quota
feature #203: configuration loading and debug
feature #203: Solving newline on some RM log messages
feature #203: Changing RM log message codes
feature #203: Readding the cluster to OpenNebula.rb
feature #203: Removed Auth from allocate (VM, IMAGE & NET). Added NETWORK and NETWORK_ID for NICs and IMAGE and IMAGE_ID for DISKS
feature #203: RM log funtions, -2 introduced for (allocate, parse, ...) errors
feature #203: Authorization method for VMs now in RM
feature #203: authorization now in RM.*allocate for IMAGEs and NETs
feature #203: Better public in Allocate Methods
feature #203: driver is now multithreaded
feature #203: bug fixes and debug messages
feature #203: Adding comments, fixing pools accesors in RM
feature #203: Added some more checks to tests and build options
feature #203: enabled quota for user authorization
feature #203: Added rsa authentication
feature #203: Added documentation for ssh authentication
feature #203: added authentication driver selection
feature #203: quota can be enabled in configuration file
feature #203: added help to oneauth command
feature #203: Better auth for deploy and saveas
feature #203: authorization policies migrated from the core
Updated by Gyula Csom about 11 years ago
Do you have any plans to update the user domain as well? like introducing additional user attributes,
role and organization entities, etc.? Reason behind:
In the short term in our cloud system 1. we must support some additional user attributes like public
SSH key (in order to contextualize images), SMI account (which is the account to log into the storage
subsystem) and 2. we should also support organizational data. This somehow overlaps the "General
Authorization policies" above, but it doesn't seem to be the same feature.
We have some choices (for instance extending the ONE core (including the db and the API as well),
implementing some directory integration), however we want to adhere to the ONE mainline as much as
possible, since we want a maintanable solution.
So do you have any plan to support such domain extensions either directly in the ONE database or
through directory integration/driver? Is this on your roadmap? If not what do you advice what
direction should we go onto (extending the core? implementing directory integration?)? What would
be the closest approach to your concept?
Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 11 years ago
The reason behind the use of the driver is to include all the extensions without the need to modify the core. The additional information could be stored in a DB maintained by the driver (or any other system like LDAP). Our approach is to keep the user table as slim as possible in the core (i.e. just storing the attributes needed to authenticate with any external system). In this way "password" could be a ssh key or a x509 certificate, and the username can be used by the driver to get additional information (like groups, acls or another tokens like the SMI account)
In order to integrate with any authentication system, the session parameter sent through the XML-RPC interface should also be modified to match the input expected by the driver. We plan to include a simple auth mechanism to show this.
Note that the core will issue authorization and authentication request to the driver, e.g.- authentication using the session parameter of the XML-RPC and the username and passowrd in the DB
- authorization using a set of actions over OpenNebula objects, like "user wants to create a VM and wants to use vnet 2 and wants to use image 34..." The core will expect a Yes/No answer.
If you want to include additional attributes in the context, we'll have two options:
1.- Add support for including $USER like attributes (like $NETWORK, that has been recently implemented) and will only give you access to username and password - This is not planned for 1.6
2.- Make tm_context.sh to talk to your auth driver to put in the iso the additional data.
Feedback is more than welcome
Updated by Gyula Csom about 11 years ago
Thank you for your response! I think I've got the point: the idea is to outsource auth/user related datas/functionalities to an auth/directory backend and keep the core thin. Regarding our use cases this means:
1. Contextualize vms by the user's SSH key: then we might use the second option and get the key through the driver.
2. Log into the storage with the user's credentials in order to dinamically create/delete iSCSI target/LUN: then again we can use the second option.
3. Manage organizational data: this would be outsourced to the backend.
All that the above functions need is the vm id in order to determine the user of it. This goes back to an earlier discussion (http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/216#note-10).
For now my only question is the following:
Will this new auth logic be applied to other elements, too? For instance when the user wants to use a virtual network will the auth (driver) intercept such calls and accept/deny the request based on auth rules?
Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 11 years ago
Will this new auth logic be applied to other elements, too? For instance when the user wants to use a virtual network will the auth (driver) intercept such calls and accept/deny the request based on auth rules?
- Networks, apart from authorize the request (i.e. getting a lease from a network) you could also set user quotas...
- Hosts, again the idea would be (user X wants to deploy VM y on host z) the authorization will include the host so you could set host acl's (e.g. in a hybrid setup only certain users are allowed to outsource resources to an external cloud)
- This will also work for the new Image Pool
I've thinking about the context issue... We could add just a new column to our current username/password table for the user pool. If we add a context column the SSH keys could be stored there. The context column would store "opaque" data that would be interpreted by the contextualization scripts inside the VM...
In this way a user would be defined (at the core level) by an username, a security token and a context data. What do you think?
Updated by Gyula Csom about 11 years ago
What do you think?
I think adding a custom, opaque field to the user entity is a simple way to make it extensible. Also this might be necessary if someone wants a compact system (ie. she doesn't want to maintain an auth backend) but wants some customization. Perhaps the idea can work for other cases (like images) as well.
Meanwhile I've discussed the topic with our customer's developer and so far we came to the conclusion that we would try the centralized approach that would be inline with this feature, the original intentions. We will factor out auth logic from our subsystems and put it into an auth subsystem shared/used by the others. The interesting thing here is that we will try an active, "SSO-like" system that supports directory services and auth as well.
This is our preliminary idea, which (I guess) is inline with the 1.6 intentions. Currently we think directory data and authentication is not an issue, however authorization is challenging. That is because authz intermixes domain specific thing (methods, resources, etc. that is being authenticated) and the authz logic which is generic. We are currently thinking about a token based (or "one time ticket") approach, that is the auth system will issue one time access tickets for individual request-response cycles that is requested by the clients (here the cloud) and validated by the servers (for instance the storage subsystem).
This is our general idea, now we "just" have to look after the platform that supports this model or kinda:) The customer currently uses Shibboleth but it seems to support just web-only requests. Anyway if we made some progress I would feedback here... if you think it might be useful for you as well. Any opinion?:)
Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 11 years ago
Let us put the user-based contextualization in stand-by, as this can be achieved by other (not so glamorous) means. I'll be definitely interested in your solution and any other feedback you have to make the auth subsystem more useful. Also this would be very interesting for other people integrating the authentication solution of their datacenter.
Thanks for your feedback
Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 11 years ago
Some details on the communication protocol between the core and the Authorization/Authentication Manager.
The Core will issue the following requests
- The core will send the following string to authenticate a user
where- REQUEST_ID is an unique ID for the operation, should be used by the driver to communicate the result back to the core
- USER_ID, USER_NAME and PASSWORD are the user info as stored in the DB
- XML_RPC TOKEN is the xmlrpc session parameter
The session is a cryptographic challenge that should be check using the user_id, user_name and password (and possibly any other third- party authentication system).
The driver response is
- The core will send the following string to authorize a user request
where AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_1 is an authorization request over a given OBJECT (network, image, virtual image and host) in the form:OBJECT:OBJECT_ID:ACTION:OWNER:PUBLIC
- PUBLIC = {0,1}
In this way "user 2 wants to create a VM that uses network red and image ubuntu" will translate to the authorization string
VM:-:CREATE:2:- NET:2:USE:0:1 IMAGE:4:USE:2:0
The driver should answer yes/no (SUCCESS/FAILURE) if all authentication tokens are granted.
Comments are welcome
Updated by Gyula Csom about 11 years ago
1. I've stopped at the single line AUTHORIZE request for a 'moment'. Since it may represent a bunch of actions on many entities, first it was not obvious how it will map relations between these entites. Then I concluded that it doesn't have to present these relations at all: the authz system doesn't have to know the 'whys' (why she wants to use network red and image ubuntu) just the 'whats'. Am I right?:)
2. USER_ID, USER_NAME and PASSWORD are the user info as stored in the DB
Does this mean the ONE db? Is it really the password not the password hash?
3. The session is a cryptographic challenge...
Where does the XML-PRC token data come from? Is it passed by the client with the request? See the next also...
4. How will the new auth model effect the front end (ie. OCA, XML-RPC)?
Below the fold:)
The following might or might not directly effect the ONE core. However in either case it effects implementors and the cloud system as a whole:
5. As I mentioned earlier we are dealing with a distributed system where UI, storage, cloud and directory might be standalone subsystems. We've just started to look after such distributed directory/authn/authz platforms that would serve an architecture like that. The preliminary search didn't give back promising results. That is though there are many OpenSource SSO solutions (CAS, OpenSSO, JOSSO, etc.) and technologies (SAML, OpenID) none of them deals with system integration they are about just web browsers and users not applicable to this field (eg. we don't deal with user agents and long user sessions).
6. So far it seems that building a distributed auth system that is (a) highly available (no single point of failure, subsystems can run even on auth subsystem failure), is (b) fast and scalable (auht backend is not a bottleneck), is (c) consistent (no stale data) and is (d) secure, is a challenge and even it might be impossible (ie. CAP theorem [1]). To my understanding this is a general issue effecting both authentication and authorization.
[1] CAP theorem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem
Updated by Gyula Csom about 11 years ago
Ops. One more question:
7. Do you plan to support password updates?
Updated by Ruben S. Montero about 11 years ago
Gyula Csom wrote:
1. I've stopped at the single line AUTHORIZE request for a 'moment'. Since it may represent a bunch of actions on many entities, first it was not obvious how it will map relations between these entites. Then I concluded that it doesn't have to present these relations at all: the authz system doesn't have to know the 'whys' (why she wants to use network red and image ubuntu) just the 'whats'. Am I right?:)
That's our view also
2. USER_ID, USER_NAME and PASSWORD are the user info as stored in the DB
Does this mean the ONE db? Is it really the password not the password hash?
It means whatever you put in the password field. The default is a hashed password, but it could be your public ssh key, or a x509 certificate. The underlying driver has to add the semantics to the password field
3. The session is a cryptographic challenge...
Where does the XML-PRC token data come from? Is it passed by the client with the request? See the next also...4. How will the new auth model effect the front end (ie. OCA, XML-RPC)?
Yes, you got it. We plan to support a plug-able module to generate the session token (the current session parameter of every XML-RPC call). The default module is the current username:sha1_password. As an example we plan to include a AWS like session string (i.e. a canonical string signed with the password, e.g. ssl encrypted with private keys). The driver should decrypt session string (using the "password" in the db) and check the canonical string.
Below the fold:)
The following might or might not directly effect the ONE core. However in either case it effects implementors and the cloud system as a whole:
We hope that the authn&authz subsytem will make life easier to implementors and cloud architects...
Updated by Javi Fontan about 11 years ago
- To enable quota checking in authentication/authorization drivers VM template should be provided as this information is only available in opennebula core. The way to do that is to add the template in the creation token as object_id. It should be encoded as base64 so the message is valid:
Updated by Javi Fontan about 11 years ago
For ssh key authentication public key is needed in a different format as ssh format is not supported by openssl libraries. The way to extract rsa public key is:
$ openssl rsa -pubout < ~/.ssh/id_rsa
for dsa:
$ openssl dsa -pubout < ~/.ssh/id_dsa
Updated by Ruben S. Montero almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to fixed