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Toggle_check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
2958FeatureClosedHighIntroduce an admin operation to recover failed vms back to running stateJaime Melis05/08/2015 04:35 PM
2951BugClosedNormalInvalid RAW syntax found in vmm_exec conf filesRuben S. Montero06/27/2014 03:12 PM
2950FeatureClosedNormalIndicate the zone id in the logs so it can be separated if redirected to syslog06/26/2014 03:11 PM
2944FeatureClosedHighAllow to boot from unknown state on a different host (shared store)10/02/2014 10:41 AM
2943BugNewNormalIf the driver is not defined in oned.conf new history records are created each time an action is performed06/10/2014 11:28 AM
2937BugNewNormalIf an user removes USE or MANAGE rights from VM it cannot access it anymore09/10/2015 09:54 AM
2923BugClosedNormalVM Monitoring information is not purged by defaultRuben S. Montero05/16/2014 10:36 AM
2921FeatureClosedHigh(Per VM) DISKIO IO information in Sunstone11/14/2016 03:07 PM
2880BugNewNormalUnicode chars in VM name are truncated06/28/2016 08:04 PM
2874BugClosedNormalA VM in power off state cannot be gracefully deleted07/30/2015 02:19 PM
2869BacklogPendingNormalAdd the ability to configure the CPU model exposed to KVM virtual machines.07/19/2015 04:59 PM
2857BugClosedNormalonedb may incorrectly report a master DB as a slaveCarlos Martín05/12/2014 11:29 AM
2849RequestNewNormalOpenNebula Configuration Format is unhandy04/28/2014 10:06 AM
2848FeatureClosedNormalDisable proactive VM monitorization04/24/2014 11:20 AM
2840FeatureClosedNormalshare system datastores between clusters04/17/2014 08:06 PM
2839BugClosedHighonedb fsck complains about multiple system datastores and removes from clusterCarlos Martín04/21/2014 11:04 AM
2832BugClosedNormalMySQL reports deadlock errorCarlos Martín10/24/2014 02:57 PM
2831BugClosedNormalMonitoring data is added to the VM even when is not active06/26/2014 02:50 PM
2818FeatureClosedNormalLet specify IPv6 (apart from MAC and IPv4) addresses for Fixed leases10/02/2014 11:02 AM
2806FeatureClosedNormalHide arguments for proxy calls that use passwords (user create, user password)Carlos Martín04/07/2014 05:14 PM
2794BugClosedNormalOn a federated setup, slave shows owner "oneadmin" as [object Object] for Datastores (others are properly displayed)Ruben S. Montero03/23/2014 08:31 PM
2790BugClosedNormalErroneous value for FREE_CPU03/27/2014 03:09 PM
2768BacklogPendingNormalMultiple network interfaces support01/07/2016 03:04 PM
2763FeatureClosedNormalAdd GROUP/TEMPLATE to 4.6 migratorCarlos Martín03/03/2014 01:53 PM
2762BugClosedNormalAutomatic Bridge naming may lead to unusable networksRuben S. Montero02/27/2014 03:32 PM
2738FeatureClosedNormalonedatastore disable, to make the sched ignore system DS 02/26/2015 05:05 PM
2731FeatureClosedNormalRemove limitations on managing Datastores 0,1,202/20/2014 03:02 PM
2709BugClosedNormalDuplicated code in and SystemDB.cc02/25/2014 02:55 PM
2701BugClosedHighACLs for Hosts based on clusters don't work02/19/2014 05:16 PM
2700BugClosedNormaloneacct sql command may fail for some mysql configurationsJaime Melis02/12/2014 02:54 PM
2699FeatureClosedNormalFILES in CONTEXT does not accept multiple lines01/30/2014 08:04 PM
2698BacklogPendingNormalAccept CLUSTER attribute for new vnet and ds templates01/30/2014 03:53 PM
2656BugClosedNormalMonitor continually cycles through finding machines RUNNING and stat UNKNOWNJavi Fontan02/21/2014 06:12 PM
2655BacklogPendingHighSupport for novnc token through xmlrpc api (i.e. one.vm.token/one.vm.novnctoken)02/05/2015 07:28 PM
2650BacklogPendingHighRe-read oned.conf on reload10/31/2014 07:59 AM
2646BacklogPendingNormalVMs, CPU and MEMORY of STOPPED VMs are not deduced from users monitoring01/20/2014 03:47 PM
2645BugClosedNormalA VM disk detach leaves Images to be saved-as in LOCKED stateJaime Melis02/19/2014 10:04 PM
2639BacklogClosedLowBack-ups of Virtual Machine using QEMU Live Backup Feature03/03/2015 01:34 PM
2637BacklogClosedHighClone a running virtual machine to another instance09/26/2017 08:58 AM
2636BacklogClosedNormalExport of Virtual Machines and disks.03/11/2016 11:00 AM
2634BacklogPendingLowSnapshot-delete action / retention policy in Sunstone02/04/2014 02:37 PM
2615BacklogClosedHighSet group ownership on create calls05/25/2017 02:47 PM
2599FeatureClosedNormalcdrom on ceph datastore not use CEPH_HOST, CEPH_SECRET, CEPH_USER07/07/2015 09:55 AM
2591BacklogClosedNormalShare resources between clusters03/03/2015 02:13 PM
2590BacklogClosedNormalGeneral user inputs in templates 11/10/2016 09:43 AM
2587BugClosedNormalGenerated CONTEXT/TARGET ignores the DEFAULT_DEVICE_PREFIX option from oned.confRuben S. Montero03/01/2014 10:49 PM
2586BugClosedNormalOptimize 'onedb' command (upgrade & fsck)Carlos Martín04/22/2014 02:45 PM
2584BacklogPendingNormalMake VM/RAW a restricted attribute by default12/27/2013 05:34 PM
2567FeatureClosedNormal KVM Hyper-V EnlightenmentsJavi Fontan02/20/2014 09:50 AM
2566FeaturePendingNormalImprove log messages from drivers06/24/2014 02:17 AM

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